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This year, we know more about the russian-ukrainian war, global warming, the oil price spike, the melting of Greenland's glaciers, the emergence of monkeypox before the emergence of the new crown of variation, the accelerating rate of extinction of species, the arrival of the hot August after the departure of the hot July, and the occurrence of heat stroke in many parts of the world. ... the human condition is deteriorating Picture we are the people of the global village, what can we do for the deteriorating environment ? Every one of us must think and act, food, clothing, shelter, travel, all of them . We can drive less oil cars, save electricity and gas, use recycled materials as much as possible, less flashy, vanity and comparison, more[Give up", return to rationality and authenticity, and leave more space and natural resources for future generations to survive Based on this, starting from[Clothing", this issue features[Nileer fabric 01". About 50% of its raw materials are derived from biodegradable genetic fiber materials, which are derived from eucalyptus trees with a shorter growth cycle. Through more advanced and environmentally friendly ways, eucalyptus trees are mashed to form pulp, which is then dissolved by physical methods (solvent recovery rate reaches 99.7%) . This fiber has high strength and stable spinnability. It can be made into yarn using a variety of spinning processes, and rewoven into a variety of fabrics that can be used in the four seasons .
Previous: Graphene fiber: a new trend in fabric
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